Sussex County Monday Night Pool League 2003-04

Team Standings Singles Standings Doubles Standings Top 2 Dbls Top Singles Double Teams 2003-04 Monday Pool

Singles Tournament 3/21/2004

1 Fount1 Anichini, Sylvain
2 Tirny1 Heinz, Bill
3 Charl Grieco, Mike
4 Fount1 Castner, Rodney

Singles Tournament W20 02/16/2004

NOTE: This is made up of the top 25 singles, the top player from each team
not represented in the top 25 singles, then filled out to 32 players.

Pos Team 02/16/2004 W L %
1 Fount1Scalley, Kevin 15 2 88.2
2 LenapeSaxton, John 15 3 83.3
3 LenapeTalmadge, Tim 15 3 83.3
4 Fount1Anichini, Sylvain 13 3 81.2
5 Tirny1Mallinson, Ken 16 4 80.0
6 Tirny1Ungvare, Gary 13 4 76.5
7 Tirny1Heinz, Bill 15 5 75.0
8 Tirny1McWhorter, Ed 15 5 75.0
9 Sher2 Franchino, Eric 14 5 73.7
10 Tirny2Doty, Bob 14 5 73.7
11 LenapeCaton, Larry 14 5 73.7
12 Greek1Rabidis, Ted 11 4 73.3
13 Fount1Kelly, Steve 13 5 72.2
14 LenapeHart, Ed 13 5 72.2
15 Fount1Brandt, Mike 14 6 70.0
16 Fount1Stepongzi, Al 9 4 69.2
17 Sher2 Wright, Bill 9 4 69.2
18 Fount1Terranova, Pete 11 5 68.8
19 Sher2 Sipley, Dale 13 6 68.4
20 LenapePettimone, Nick 12 6 66.7
21 Fount1Peloubet, Dave 10 5 66.7
22 Charl Carr, Kevin 10 5 66.7
23 Sher2 Wydner, Sam 13 7 65.0
24 Tirny2Kooger, Pete 13 7 65.0
25 Fount2Kinney, Dick 11 6 64.7
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36 Sher1 McCavitt, Lloyd 11 8 57.9
50 Greek2Crawn, John 7 7 50.0
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26 Fount2Lyzell, Tyler 12 7 63.2
27 Charl Cooper, Mike 12 7 63.2
28 Sher1 Nosti, Chris 10 6 62.5
29 Charl Rhodes, Phil 11 7 61.1
30 Greek1Lake, Dave 11 7 61.1
31 Greek1Romano, Sal 11 7 61.1
- - - - - -
- - Alternates - - -
32 Charl Rhodes, Jeff 9 6 60.0
33 Greek1Foster, Bob 9 6 60.0
34 Fount1Castner, Rodney 10 7 58.8
35 Fount2Stagg, Bob 11 8 57.9
37 LenapeMcCave, Glen 8 6 57.1
38 LenapePoyneer, Perry 8 6 57.1
39 Charl Grieco, Mike 9 7 56.2
40 Sher2 Pierson, Donny 11 9 55.0
Last Updated on 2/17/2004 5:13:13 PM by Mike Brandt